Anti Mosquito simulation Lite 1.0 APK for Android

Anti Mosquito simulation Lite 1.0
File name: Anti-Mosquito-simulation-Lite.APK
ID: com.gonsai.antimosquito_lite
Version: 1.0
File Size: 2.7Mb

Anti Mosquito simulation Lite Screenshots

Download Anti Mosquito simulation Lite APK for Android
Free Anti Mosquito simulation Lite APK
Download Anti Mosquito simulation Lite APK

Anti Mosquito simulation Lite Info

The ultrasonic Mosquito repellent application(simulated) emit a very unique high frequency sound that most mosquitoes find distasteful and prevents you from getting bitten by mosquitoes.

* The pitch of the sound is so high that most humans will not notice anything.
* Mosquito bite can lead to malaria, dengue, fever, hey fever,allergy.
* No toxic gas.
* You can set Timer in our application .
* You can select frequency according to your need.

* Do you know that only female mosquitoes bite us?

Anti Mosquito simulation Lite | 236 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.8

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