Banqi 1.0 APK for Android

Banqi 1.0
File name: Banqi.APK
Version: 1.0
File Size: 2.3Mb

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Banqi Info

Blind Chess, also known as
Banqi(盲棋), is a two-player Chinese
board game played on a 4x8 grid.
Chinese Chess Pieces are used and
they are ranked as follows:
(from highest rank to lowest)

1p 2p
King: 帥 將
Rook: 俥 車
Knight: 傌 馬
Catapult: 炮 砲
Retainer: 仕 士
Minister: 相 象
Pawn: 兵 卒

Higher ranked pieces capture the
lower ones with the exception of
Pawn can capture King while King
can capture any pieces except Pawn.
Player One is Red. Player Two is
Blue. Alternatively, players take
turns to move a piece, uncover a
piece, or *capture an opposing

Whoever side captures all the
other side's pieces, will win.

Another piece must be captured
within 50 turns before the previous
capture of a piece; otherwise, it's
a draw game.

*Opponent's piece must be uncovered
in order to be captured.

Banqi | 20 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.8

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