Dhokla 2.01 APK for Android

Dhokla 2.01
File name: Dhokla.APK
ID: com.wordpress.arogyavidya.dhokla
Version: 2.01
File Size: 2.2Mb

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Free Dhokla APK
Free Dhokla APK for Android
Download Dhokla APK for Android

Dhokla Description

A simple application for the house wife to store her choicest menus and recipes in the phone or tablet for use at kitty parties or in the club. The application stores the data in a database and is backed up automatically in case the Android system is reloaded.

The menus are created using the first letter followed by the actual menu / recipe names which can be selected to view the details. The system is simple to use.

Use 'any suitable keyboard available for Gujarati as 'Anysoft' keyboard could not be located in play store for Gujarati.

Kindly give a rating and a review so that more applications can be developed in Indian languages.
Best of luck.

What's new in Dhokla 2.01

Version 1.1
Minor bug fixed
Version 1.5
Edit, copy, paste functions added.
User interface improved.
Version 1.7
New function added.
Ver 2.0
Shopping List added
Ver 2.01
Minor bug fix
Dhokla | 10 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.4

Download Dhokla 2.01 APK