ID: com.fuel
Version: 2.0
File Size: 4.7Mb
Fuel - Send Secret Messages Screenshots
Fuel - Send Secret Messages Info
Before we tell you more about the app, these are few points to keep in mind -• It's the first ever such app on Google Play.
• It's packed with never seen before features.
• It has an innovative yet simple user interface.
• It delivers what it promises.
• and.. It's definitely going to revolutionize the market.
Fuel stands for 'Fugged Up English Language'.
Like mentioned before, it's Android's first ever text encrypt-decrypt app. It's main purpose is to share secret messages amongst friends, family, colleagues, and enemies, and everyone else.
Its 100% secure with uncrackable codes, and amazing features.
The working of the app is very simple. Unlike other apps, we focus on what we promise to deliver. Our basic two functions being encryption and decryption, we've used all our resources available to make both functions efficiently.
It's just 3 touch of buttons each to encode and decode text.
Apart from our ground-breaking algorithms, we've also provided added security. Every encrypted text created by our users must also have a unique password which is then required further on to decrypt that text.
(Examples Of All Functions And Features Given Below)
Features/Why to buy?:
-> Encryption: Also known as "Fugger". It's divided further into 2 parts :-
• Hyde: 'Hide Your Dictionary English'
Using this option, you can auto-generate a random code for your text. It uses a complex, uncrackable algorithm to convert your plain text into a "Fugged Up" text. Code generated is always 15 random characters, which can only be solved using our app.
Example -
Plain Text - Debit Card ATM Pin is 1100
Password - 123abc
After Hyde - 37835E187DCBC8D
The above code has to be entered with the password to decrypt and read the original text at any time. You can even try this at home. ;)
• Cyde: 'Code Your Dictionary English'
Using this option, you can generate any code for your text. In this, the code is created by you. You can use any word(s)/sentence(s) with a minimum length of 4 characters as your code.
Example -
Plain Text - Is our location for the secret meeting confirmed?
Password - pass987
Your Code - How is the weather there?
The above code you created must be entered with the password to decrypt the original text at any time. Pretty amazing to hide what you want to say, huh? ;)
-> Decryption : Also known as "Unfugger". Used to decode both the encrypted texts by Hyde and Cyde. Along with the code, the user created password is necessary to decipher the text.
-> Security : We've focussed extensively on security -
• Minimum Password length is 6 characters and maximum is 24.
• Password must contain at least 1 letter and 1 number.
• No two codes can have the same password.
• 100% Secure.
• All Data that is collected is stored with MD5 protection.
• Option to destroy code after single use.
-> Sharing : You can share the generated code(s) or original text directly from our app to other apps. You can also directly share text to fuel.
The only question remaining - Why would you use this app?
One can communicate using phone, text messages, bbm, whatsapp, email etc. But, what one isn't aware of, is that they might not have such privacy. Your text messages might be being read, your conversations might be getting saved.
Fugger it!
Use our app and don't let anybody know what you're saying. Your privacy remains yours, not a property of others.
If you're still reading this, you must really be interested in the app. Now don't deny it.