Version: 0.0.1
File Size: 0Mb
hideCommIndicator Screenshots
hideCommIndicator Details
**** THIS IS A XPOSED MODULE. YOU NEED ROOTED DEVICE AND WORKING XPOSED FRAMEWORK VIA XPOSED INSTALLER. ****Hide Cellular/Wi-Fi communication indicator on your status bar.
This module hasn't UI and not showing at your App drawer. Please enable this module from Xposed Installer.
Designed for Xperia (2013 or newer; Tested on Xperia Z1 f SO-02F/4.2.2, Xperia Z Ultra C6833/4.4.2), but maybe working on mostly AOSP-like devices.
Features of hideCommIndicator 0.0.1
This is initial release.Download hideCommIndicator 0.0.1 APK