MLA-Chat 0.1 APK for Android

MLA-Chat 0.1
File name: MLA-Chat.APK
ID: com.wMLAChat
Version: 0.1
File Size: 11Mb

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MLA-Chat Description

MLA Chat
(Messenger Langsung Action Chatting)
adalah aplikasi pesan dan email untuk anda pengguna android dari mulai versi terendah.Anda bisa berkirim pesan (chatting) juga email dgn cepat dan aman dalam jumlah tidak terbatas seperti teks,foto,video dgn bermacam file apapun ( zip,pdf,doc dll) sehingga anda bisa berkirim pesan sebanyak dan sesering mungkin, walau pun dalam kondisi JARINGAN LEMOT

Why should MLA chat

1.CEPAT: MLA chatting is the fastest messaging applications, because it uses intrastuktur with a data center that is positioned around the world.

2.AMAN: your message history we hold securely in our cloud storage, so guaranteed safe from third parties

3.CHATTING:send information with friends, relatives or family time, with fast and safe in unlimited quantities as much and as often as who you want

4.GRATIS:no subscription fees or advertising costs

5.DIANDLKAN: MLA chatting created to convey your message in small bytes and can work in a weak network Events


PRIVACY: We keep your privacy safe from third parties

We offer MLA Chatting for you who are interested or like chat, MLA Chatting with this you can also send a message or email, photos, videos, texs quickly as often and as much as you want

SUPPORT: for real time support, please go to settings and select - ask questions - on :

¤ support : MLA Chat FAQ

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MLA-Chat | 50 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.7

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