ID: com.oraetlaborafree
Version: 4.1
File Size: 0.7Mb
Ora et Labora free Screenshots
Ora et Labora free Details
With this app you can pray your prayers as Our Father, The Apostle Creed, Nicene Creed, Memorare, Hail Holy Queen, Glory Be, The Angelus, Anima Christi, Morning Offering.Besides you can save your favorites prayers for you always have handy your usual prayers, your own catholic prayer book as Bible.
You can change the size of the font size for read more confortable.
There are some catholic websites too.
Furthermore you can pray to a specific saint if you read his own prayer. You can find prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Benedict, Saint Blaise, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Cecilia, Saint Dominic de Guzman, Saint Helena, Saint Philomena, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Francis, Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Saint Gemma, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer founder of Opus Dei, Saint John Baptist, Saint John Bosco, Saint John of God, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Jude Thaddeus, Saint Lucy, Saint Maria Maravillas of Jesus, Saint Marguerite Marie Alacoque, Saint Martha, Saint Martin de Porres, Saint Monica, Saint Nicholas of Bari, Saints Justus and Pastor, Saint Paul, Saint Pancratius, Saint Pantaleon, Saint Paschal Baylon, Saint Peter, Saint Peter of Alcantara, Saint Raymund Nonato, Saint Rita, Saint Rosa of Lima, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Vicente Ferrer and Saint Vicente of Paul.
We hope that this app help you in your daily christian and you can stay more close of God.
What's new in Ora et Labora free 4.1
Contains 60 prayers that we will rise.We have added a new group "Special Times" with Christmas prayers.
Furthermore you can share the prayers if you do long click on lists.
Menu more simple.
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