ID: com.neenbedankt.rainydays
Version: Varies with device
File Size: -1Mb
Rainy Days Screenshots
Rainy Days Info
If you have questions, problems, feedback, please USE EMAIL to contact me.Rainy Days shows you weather radar doppler images from buienradar, meteox, vaderradar, eumetsat and nws using Google Maps. You can zoom in, pan and search for locations.
Be your own weather man with Rainy Days: see how storms are moving to see if they are heading for you.
Coverage: Europe, Iceland, Scandinavia, USA incl Alaska, Canada, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Africa, Australia
Note: shows rain (radar reflectivity), not clouds!
If something is not working on your device, please send me an email, adding a comment doesn't give me enough information to fix any bugs!
Join the Rainy Days Beta community on Google Plus to try out the latest updates before they go out:
Permissions that you are prompted for:
* Photos/Media/Files - for storing map data on external storage
* Location - To show your location on the map
* In-app purchases - for upgrading without advertisements if you like