Rubber Bridge Score 1.0 APK for Android

Rubber Bridge Score 1.0
File name: Rubber-Bridge-Score.APK
Version: 1.0
File Size: 0Mb

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Rubber Bridge Score Details

RubberBridgeScore is, yes, used to keep score when playing rubber bridge. There are two modes, Rubber and 4 Games. Use Rubber mode when playing complete rubbers, and 4 Game mode when a match is 4 games regardless. At the top of the screen is combined Status Bar / Menu Trigger. Below is a text area containing the hand history. Next are 2 rows of 2 buttons. The top button is used to enter the bid and result. The lower button is used to change the name of the partnership. Below the buttons are 2 text areas used to show the scores of the 2 partnerships.

Once a contract has been established, use the Bid button for the partnership which has secured the bid. Bids are entered as 2 or 3 digit strings. The first character must be a number between 1 and 7 for the level of the bid. The second character must be a C, D, H, S, or N to indicate the suit. The optional 3 character must be a D or R for doubled or redoubled. The buttons then change to Made and Down, which are used to enter the result. If honors are claimed, use the Status Bar / Menu Trigger and select Honors to enter 100 or 150. After the hand is over, use the Made and Down buttons to enter the result. You will be prompted to enter the number made or down. Repeat until the match or rubber is over. At the end of each rubber or match, the scores are displayed, including bonuses. Use the Status Bar / Menu Trigger and select New Rubber to start a new rubber.

There is a Total command which reads thru the rubber history. After the final hand, select the New Rubber command to add the last rubber to the rubber history. Then use the Total command, enter the name to search for, and the app will display that name's total. When using the 4 Game mode, search for We to get your total, assuming you have stuck to the default We and They partnership names. When playing Rubber mode, change the We and They to the actual player's names, or initials, and when completely done, you can use the Total command 4 times to get each player's total.

Clicking on the Status Bar / Menu Trigger pops up a menu with commands. Available commands will vary depending on game state. Commands are:

Save Saves the rubber history to a file.
Total Searches the rubber history and displays the total for the searched name;
Reset Resets the app, clearing everything.
Mode Sets Rubber or 4 Game mode
Size Configures font sizes
Extra Installs an included bridge keyboard (useful on small screens - phones)
Help Displays this text
Quit Quits the app
Honors Enter 100 or 150 honors
Delete deletes the current bid so it can be reentered (change 4H to 4HD)
Finalize Use to finish a match or rubber prematurely (use if playing 4 games but forgot to change from rubber mode)
Modify Modify one of the previous hands if entered incorrectly
Remove Remove one of the previous hands

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