ID: appinventor.ai_ing_michelegalli.AlcoholBible
Version: 1.0
File Size: 5Mb
THE BIBLE OF BEER + THE BIBLE OF COCKTAILThe application is divided into two parts, one dealing with thousands of reviews of beers and the other concerning reviews of all international IBA cocktails.
How many times going into a pub and looking at the beer or cocktail menus you have wondered what was the best choice at that time?
Well, now you just have to see this great application!
The Bible of Alcohol is a collection of more than 1500 beers from around the world cataloged and reviewed and all international IBA cocktails!
On each beer you can know information such as:
-The type of beer
-Alcohol Percentage
-The color
-The producer
-Review of the beer
-Picture of the Beer
On each drink you can know information such as:
-Ingredients & Quantity
-Notes, Comments, and curiosity about that cocktails
In addition to the reviews, this app contains many other categories:
TYPE OF BEER: collects all types of beer with a brief description of their meaning (abbey beers, ales, lagers, etc. ....)
TYPE OF GLASSES: All descriptions and photos of various beer glasses.
RECIPES: It's a very tasty collection of recipes made with beer.
SEARCH COCKTAIL: With this function you can search the cocktail excites you most by selecting the desired characteristics, or by selecting the ingredients you have at home and the application will tell you which cocktails you can make!
Curiosity: a series of tricks and secrets to do with the beer a lot of great usefulness and others to impress your friends!
JOKES: contains jokes and famous quotes about our blonde!
TASTING: Here you will find the following information about the beer:
-How To Serve
-Beer and Cheese
-Right-glass for all types of beer
-Service Temperature
FAVORITES: It is possible to add the beer and cocktails that you like most in the Favorites category and refer to them quickly whenever you want!
REPORT: With this feature, you can send your beer or cocktail missing reviews and we shall add them! It is also possible to send the request for a review and we'll do it for you!
SEARCH BEER: It is possible to search by name (if you know the exact name of the beer) or search for details (type, color, percentage, producer, country).
For any information or concerns please send us an e-mail to
Please note that all the material contained in this application has been taken from handbooks, guides, directories and websites.
It is possible to take these information and distribute it freely.
For the English translation we thank to:
- Silvia Di Nardo (yama)
- Giuseppe Matrella (chittemù)