Trackeen Fishing and Diving Ed 1.6.3 APK for Android

Trackeen Fishing and Diving Ed 1.6.3
File name: Trackeen-Fishing-and-Diving-Ed.APK
ID: com.trackeen.sea
Version: 1.6.3
File Size: 0.6Mb

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Lastest Trackeen Fishing and Diving Ed APK for Android
Lastest Trackeen Fishing and Diving Ed APK for Android
Free Download Trackeen Fishing and Diving Ed APK for Android

Trackeen Fishing and Diving Ed Details (

Are you a fan of sea activities? Do you like scuba diving, fishing or navigation?

Do you want to manage all the locations where you go fishing or diving?

With Trackeen you can store the points with GPS accuracy, and return to the exact location using the map or the radar function.

We are sure that Trackeen is the best fit for your needs, so we offer 100% satisfaction guarantee... or your money back!

With Trackeen Fishing and Diving Edition, also you can:

- Use your device as a GPS to store the position your inmmersion or fishing zone.

- Get the best fishing results using an accurate Solunar table.

- Information about moon or sun, set and rise.

- Store information about the type of point. And use 4 different templates for notes: one free, one for fish captures, and two more for each immersion. With this functionality you can manage your logbook very easily.

- Synchronize (only if you want) all the information with Please check for a complete demo.

- Send your points to your Friends (with or without Trackeen).

- Use map or radar feature to find again the stored points.

Change log:
- Translated to Basque. Thanks to Mikel Lizarraga.
- Support for yards, feets and miles.
- Xperia Bug Solved.
- You can send points to your friends (email or directly to Trackeen account).
- Automatic redirection to GPS settings page.
- Better German translation. Thanks to David Kießling.
- You can choose common or latin names for mushrooms (go to settings).
- New Radar function.
- Exit with back button twice.
- Translated to Italian, French and German.
- Minor changes.
- New point types.
- Language selection in application.
- Crash bug in some models, solved.
- Moon and Sun rise/set times.
- Solunar tables.
- Satellite maps.
- Center map in location function.
- New icons.
- Radar scale increased.
- Icons on location list.

Features of Trackeen Fishing and Diving Ed 1.6.3

- Translated to Basque. Thanks to Mikel Lizarraga.
Trackeen Fishing and Diving Ed | 33 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.9

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