Version: 1.1.7
File Size: 0Mb
USB Serial Monitor Lite Screenshots
USB Serial Monitor Lite Details
It's a very simple USB-Serial Monitor.* I tested CDC-ACM with Arduino UNO, MEGA, mbed.
test report : NXP LPC1769(thanks to mark)
When you connect a CDC-ACM device to Android, please select Menu -> Open Device.
If you have checked operation, please send me message.
- support CDC-ACM protocol(Arduino, mbed, PSoC etc.)(beta)New!
- support FTDI chips
- Baud rate (1200 - 115200 bps)
- Data bits, Parity Check, Stop bits, flow control, break options(not support in CDC-ACM)
- Display in character/decimal/hex notation.
- send a result by e-mail
- send/receive Linefeed code(CR/LF/CR+LF)
- font size option
You can connect Android to Arduino UNO.
And if you have an FTDI USB-Serial adapter(FT232RL), any microcomputers can be connect to Android by using this application.
Connection Examples
Android--Arduino UNO
Android--[USB-Serial Adapter]--Microcomputer
USB-Serial adapter
Sparkfun - FTDI Basic Breakout
support FTDI chips
- FT232RL
- FT230X
Q: Why my phone/tablet(Android 3.1 or upper) is incompatible?
A: Maybe, your phone/tablet does not have a USB Host API feature.
Q: But my phone/tablet supports a USB thumb drive, USB mouse and USB keyboard.
A: It's not a USB Host API. It's a Linux USB Host. Please check to see if your phone/tablet have a USB Host API.
Q: Can I get binary or source code?
A: Yes, It's open source. Please check my github page.
Q: How much max output current is?
A: smartphone type : 150 - 180mA(Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy S2)
tablet type : 400mA - 500mA? (ICONIA A500, Nexus 7)
TwitterID: @ksksue
Features of USB Serial Monitor Lite 1.1.7
1.1.7-bug fix
- Show a title bar(cannot select a menu button on a Nexus 7)
- Added a Word List menu.
- Added a Typeface Setting.
- Move a "Linefeed Code Setting" from a "Display Settings" to a "Serial Settings".
- Added any bigger font size.
- Hide a title bar on ICS or higher.(not on Honeycomb)
- Added CloseDevice menu
(Arun's pull request on github. thanks to Arun)
old changelog